The Hot 100 List

I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions – instead I do a Hot 100 list and pack it away with the Christmas decorations, to be reviewed next December. I invite you to do the same, it is much more fun that NYRs and if you save a copy in Word you can tick them off as you go. Will you tick off more than 30% in twelve months time?

Create a ‘wish-list’ of 100 items or services you wish you had and don’t now have. It doesn’t matter what they cost… Include the trivial as well as the important but only those things you don’t already buy (you could, however list a more expensive item where you already own a cheaper version). Against each one, put the approximate cost. (taken from The Prosperity Handbook, available on Amazon)

I can only ever think of about 40 items and some of those are cheats. My highlights from 2006 include 2 items that weren’t on my list last January because I didn’t believe they existed for me: and I send a very special ‘thank you’ to the person who has shown me that more is possible than I dare dream.
Red silk pyjamas
Amazone perfume
A real summer holiday (only those who know me will know how significant that is for me)
TFT/flat screen monitor for the pc
Wireless router

Similarly, the following items are expected to prove just as elusive this year as in the previous five years…
Somewhere to plant my red cherry sapling (now 6ft)
A really nice present for you-know-who
Me, not overweight
New boots for next winter
A job I enjoy, paying over £1,000 a month

Everything else is negotiable.

~ by tgroom57 on December 30, 2006.

2 Responses to “The Hot 100 List”

  1. That is a really cool idea honey, I’m liking that.
    Any excuse is good to treat yourself aye?!

  2. I dunno about my own wish list, but you’re cheating! You got new boots! And you’re not allowed to buy any more coz you know who liked ’em!

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